Each game in the series centres on different respective protagonist who attempts to rise through the criminal underworld due to various motives, often accompanying themes of betrayal. The original game's map encompassed three cities-Liberty City (based on New York City), San Andreas (based on San Francisco), and Vice City (based on Miami)-but later titles tend to focus on a single setting and expand upon the original three locales.
The games in the Grand Theft Auto series are set in fictional locales modelled after real-life cities, at various points in time from the early 1960s to the 2010s. The series also has elements of the earlier beat 'em up games from the 16-bit era. Most of the gameplay revolves around driving and shooting, with occasional role-playing and stealth elements. Gameplay focuses on an open world where the player can complete missions to progress an overall story, as well as engage in various side activities. The name of the series is a term for motor vehicle theft in the United States. It is primarily developed by British development house Rockstar North (formerly DMA Design), and published by its American parent company, Rockstar Games. Later titles were developed under the oversight of brothers Dan and Sam Houser, Leslie Benzies and Aaron Garbut. Grand Theft Auto is a series of action-adventure games created by David Jones and Mike Dailly.
Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition