UT Canvas Catalog provides access to non-credit, professional development, and continuing education credit online learning. Director of Student Success Dominique Harrison, M.A., M.S Student Success Coordinator For more information on your campus admittance, financial eligibility, and financial aid and. BCA Prioritas adalah bentuk layanan perbankan prestisius bagi Sahabat BCA terpilih untuk menikmati berbagai layanan dan kemudahan perbankan serta non perbankanFor questions about what the UT Promise scholarship entails, how to apply, maintaining eligibility, and service and mentoring requirements, please email. This can be an opportunity to recognize their individual achievements, accomplishments, and successes both in and outside of. 8.Send them a 'Letter From Home,' a note of encouragement and appreciation to let them know you are always rooting for them! Completing this form will automatically send your note to your student's UTK email address. Isikan informasi yang dibutuhkan, lalu klik “Kirim” untuk mengirim e-mail dan menyimpan formulirnya. Selanjutnnya Anda dibawa pada halaman untuk mengirim e-mail kepada pelanggan.
Atau klik “Simpan dan Kirim”, Jika anda ingin langsung mengirim email terlebih dahulu sebelum menyimpan formulir pemesanan penjualan.